Take your life to the next level

Tools and strategies to help you break negative patterns, face life's challenges with confidence, and learn to love yourself and your life.

Tony Overbay

Tony Overbay is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA LMFT #92443), a Certified Mindful Habit Coach (CMHC), and a popular motivational speaker. He currently has a very busy practice in Northern California, which led to the creation of his online courses with the hope that more people could benefit from his professional therapeutic approaches.

Tony has been inspiring and educating both youth and adults for over 20 years on topics ranging from internet safety, overcoming pornography addiction and compulsive sexual behavior, couple communication, depression, anxiety, parenting, goal setting, and a number of other subjects—always bringing the perfect mix of humor, research, and inspirational stories to keep audiences engaged and entertained.

Tony currently resides in Arizona with his wife of 33 years. They have four children and a dog who hasn’t betrayed them by leaving the nest.
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  • In my journey of self-reflection and the desire to better understand those around me, I came across this podcast. I really appreciate the framework and lack of blame put on others. “We don’t know what we don’t know.” It helps to remain compassionate when immaturity rears its ugly head. Tony, thank you for sharing your knowledge and your own self-reflective experience. It’s been helpful.
    Apple Podcast Reviewer
    Thank you Tony for taking the time and making the effort to put this great resource together for the community!! As someone who’s lived through narcissistic abuse while also becoming aware of my own emotional immaturity, your guidance and episodes are healing and helpful. What a great combination!
    Susie P
  • If you want to be a better version of yourself and improve your life this podcast is a perfect place to start!
    Jenn N
    I have been married for 27 years to a narcissist. I was so entangled in this horrible marriage that I’m having a very difficult time getting out. This has been so helpful. I fall asleep listening to it again and again. Night after night. I’m trying. Thank you. I am no longer entangled and I’m almost out. Thank you. I owe you a big hug for helping me get my self-worth and my freedom back.
    Luna L
  • The Path Back not only helped me understand the damage that porn was doing to me, my marriage, and my relationship with God, but it helped me take control of my life. I was finally able to get back the power I thought I would never reclaim.

Tony's Podcast

Waking Up to Narcissism
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Understanding the Impact of Narcissistic and Emotionally Immature Parents
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Emotional Whiplash in Narcissistic/Emotionally Immature Relationships
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Podcast Guest Appearances

Check out these other amazing podcasters that I've been able to share my message with

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